Wednesday 11 May 2016

Signs You Should Take Your Loved One to the Doctor

Most people know when they need to see a doctor. Extreme pain or illnesses that will not go away are common reasons to seek medical help. However, some people are stubborn and refuse to go to the doctor no matter what. If you notice any of the following signs in someone you love, then you should step in and make sure to see a doctor.

Chest Pains

In the event a loved one is complaining of chest pains accompanied by back pain or nausea, you should take them to the doctor. These are typically symptoms of a heart attack and should not be ignored. Other symptoms include:
•    Irregular heartbeat
•    Extreme sweating
•    Lightheadedness
•    Shortness of breath

Extreme Weight Loss

This is especially problematic in the elderly. If someone close to you suddenly loses a lot of weight without any real explanation, then it could be a symptom of a much more serious medical complication.

Experienced a Fall

When someone falls, it can be easy for them to just pick themselves back up. However, if they complain about having a severe headache, numbness or vision problems, you should take them to a doctor. That fall may have done more than originally thought.

Never assume that a problem will get better on its own. You can take your loved ones to an experienced elderly geriatrician in Holly Ridge when problems arise. Visit this website for additional information.

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